Connecting Arthur Anderson to 9/11 via Enron
Larry Ellison has a long 40 plus year history with the CIA that would include CIA director Porter Goss 2 in an interesting twist is someone I've known since 1974 through Sanibel Island and Cape Coral where they landed drug planes for Oliver North on Chiquita Parkway in Cape Coral.

Several of my friends were murdered in connection to the CIA operation where we happen to stumble into too much and Larry being a developer would have had to read those reports back in the days of the daisy wheel.
Connecting Oracle Account Manager to Larry Ellison and money buddies Michael Milken, Lowell Milken, Charles Hurwitz, to the CIA, DoD to Hallibrton and KBR.
Stage one hire a newbie for special projects
Mr. Beamer resided in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey, .
He was a senior account manager employed at Oracle Corporation working under the direction of CEO Larry Ellison.
Stage one
Back into that is Oracle Corporation had the CIA database projects under their belt until the CIA abruptly let him go.
A week after Mr Beamer was killed Pete Bennett also a database programmer was contracted SBCGlobal where San Ramon Valley School District board member is Ken Mintz is the current AT&T regional manager with the same title under the former ownership of SBCGlobal and Pacific Bell.
Stage Two - Come to Boston
Mr. Bennett has a significant role in 9/11 regarding a computer virus that destroyed networks around the globe.
The virus should have been deployed during the planned 9 a.m. meeting on 9/11 a meeting driven by Wayne was ex-military, stationed in Texas which happens to be Halliburton and KBR territory.
Stage Three - You're a superstar!
Advancing through the ranks - you're a superstar
Mr. Beamer resided in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey, .
Mr. Ellison has a long CIA history nearly parallel to mr. Bennett's unusual connections to the CIA through CIA director Porter Goss former mayor of Sanibel Island, who came after the locals with his stricture perceptions of Bowman's Beach which is when the Lee County sheriff came after everybody.
No more butt naked on Sanibel what a shame it was so much fun everybody loved it.
During the 70s the Medellin cartel working with the Iran-Contra Affair deliver drugs into Southwest Florida basically under control of retired CIA operatives.
That is how they covered up the murders of Donny Fontaine and Judi Scroggins during an accident connected when we used to drag race on Chiquita Boulevard a known drug drop for Iran-Contra.
On 9/13/2001, Larry Ellison, chief executive officer (CEO) of Oracle, sent an email to Oracle employees. In this email, Ellison praised Todd for Todd's heroic actions in fighting the terrorists and in stopping the plane from reaching its destination in Washington DC. (pages 184, 185)".