
A Collection of Witnesses Killed

Showing posts with label Oracle Corporation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle Corporation. Show all posts

#deadwitness ~The CIA Databases Developed by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison reveals facts on CIA Murders of my friends in 1975

My buds in 1975 before some died.

more to come

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Chiquita Blvd.  a/k/a the Columbian Runway
This is Pete Bennett and his pals being more than slightly wild on Chiquita Blvd. located in Cape Coral Fl. where the local open secret was drug landing strip.  When analyzing flight times, locations and distances the location is a perfect way point for Mena Airport.  
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Gary Webb - former reporter for Contra Costa Times 
Mr. Webb published a great story regarding the drugs coming in Los Angeles during the 1985. That was the dawn of crack designed to destroy neighborhoods, keep values down and kill as many as possible while those behind the Real Estate Investment Trust industry slowly use a series of corporate shields to "acquire" the land.   

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Phillip Marshall - Author of False Flag 9/11 
This man found me in Walnut Creek at Panera Bread.  Once he started talking it was clear he knew about Chiquita Blvd. was used as a CIA Runway.  Several of my friends in the above picture were killed just a few months later.  One died while drilling a hole in the trailer while standing in water.

Another was killed via a car accident.  


Oracle Corporation the sad passing CEO Mark Hurd

The reason I follow dead CEOs started with Dale Ratliff of Mountain Lakes NJ, former CEO of Playtex then located in Bergen NJ. ⁷

The Bennett's an Ratliff's shared backyards, Matt and Mitch Ratliff, Pete Bennett, Randy Grieg, Seth, and Rob S. were good friends, Pete had a big basement, we all used to play all night Monopoly, War or build the HO train layout in the attic.  

 Matt reach out to me

I was at the Contra Costa County software incubator the same day that a longtime acquaintance Tom Gonzales senior was in his office we all shared the same floor actually is IPO went off and I remember Tom saying to me AP I'm worth seventy-five million I walked by about 20 minutes later and he was worth 85 million or something like that.

Years later I saw Tom senior and Tom Jr in a bank in Lafayette and little did I know Tom Jr was dying of cancer.

They founded Distra Corp, which became commerce one which after going public  became the darling of darling of Walk Street.

Years later Tom where his foundation ended up in a court room with the same wonderful attorneys connected to the Contra Costa bar Association.

The son of the former president of the bar is dead oh, so is the daughter of the former district attorney.

This is where theranos and Commerce  One thread together via Balwani now being prosecuted by the SEC in connection to the failure of Theranos.

Some of the key investors came from Southern Pacific are linked to

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