
A Collection of Witnesses Killed

Showing posts with label Fraud Victim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud Victim. Show all posts

Clemente needs to go

Bennett sues Danville his attorney is beating up in Walnut Creek in 2005

Clemente turn sues the town of Danville and wins

Bennett ends off homeless Clemente lives in Alamo and then Bennett family gets murdered then Clemente begins to arrest Bennett

Pete Bennett attacked many times in Walnut Creek between coming forward in in the 1988 Murder of a San Francisco police officer ends up close to dead, arrested and loss of family.  

IN 2005 Unknown to him his girlfriend and daughter were murdered but the truth was hidden from Bennett as he didn't make the connection to the missing moms story. 

Then one day her real story emerged. 

First things first is the 1987 Litigation in the matter Bennett vs. Southern Pacific lost when his witness Floyd Brown Jr. murdered when Sheriff Richard Rainey covered on the 1989 Murder along with the lynchings of the Timothy Lee and later TanJah Poe in 1984 and later 1985.  

Jineva was the cutest child ever.  Her mom called Pete Bennett for a backyard picnic at her Norris Road home.  

Alicia Driscoll never called or returned calls after Tuesday call.  Sometime between Tuesday and Sunday she was murdered.  She would never kill her child as she was so protective given Contra Costa CPS and Social Services took her son born around 1997.  She said they (authorities) were going to take Jineva.  

Her brother had all the power to take her children as a CPS insider.   

This Chief will be indicted for murders of Bennett witnesses, friends, contacts and at least two police officers. 


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