Connecting Mormons to the Million dollar fraud
While exploring Mormonism at Alamo 1st Ward Pete Bennett was also in the midst of a divorce. Unknown to Bennett when his truck exploded he was up against corrupt police officers later indicted for small stuff like Abuse of Authority Under Color of Law codified under Racketeering Statutes.
Emery Strack

She was the brightest light so similar is this story to Jineva Driscoll, Allison Bayliss, Michelle Mischeloff, Lisa Dickinson
One average person barely knows or has connections to a single murder case. Pete Bennett created and other blogs after endless murders near him.
During July 2020 one attorney would have been willing to take on Contra Costa County was murdered in Southern California.
Julie Denise Strack Resident of Benicia
This odd case was another incident occuring in Benicia CA. Allegedly, Walter Little killed his fiance