Two Soldiers with trailing tragic outcomes
One served his country only to die in the county jail. The Military told the family he died via IED in Ballad Iraq all was well until his commanding officer told the family the truth
Army Spc. James J. Coon, 22, Walnut Creek; killed by a sniper
April 15, 2007|John M. Glionna | Times Staff Writer
Spc James Jack Coon

Clockwise from top left: Grieg, SPC James Jack Coon. Jimmy attended Los Lomas High School in Walnut Creek California. Known as all-star athelete but chose to serve his country.
Pfc Joseph Beheil

The following obituary was posted on and can be seen here. Joseph Behiel's funeral services were Friday. Joseph Arthur Behiel Resident of Pleasanton Joseph Arthur Behiel passed away on March 22, 2013 surrounded by family and friends at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez, CA. He was 21. Joe, the first child of Art and Sara Behiel, was born at Stanford Medical Center and was raised in Pleasanton. Joe graduated from Village High School and was a rifleman in the U.S. Marine Corps. Joe loved hunting, fishing, riding his motorcycle, and caring for his animals - including reptiles, dogs, and a pot-bellied pig. Joe is survived by his parents,his sisters: Nicole and Alyssa, several family members, plus lots of close friend. Related: Behiel's friends and family remembered him via social media this week.
Alicia and Jineva Driscoll (RIP)

She called with a picnic invitation with a weekend Picnic with my sons and her daughter. She never called back. I tried reaching her for several weeks settling she changed her mind.
Dr. William Walker Director
Alicia Driscoll mother is Mary Walker part of the original founder families of Contra Costa County. That makes her a cousin of Dr. Walker head of the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center.

During Novemeber 2005 Pete Bennett arrived at the Contra Costa Regional Center with severe abdominal pain, then fever, instenstinal bloating, the usual stuff then the unusual things like blood, 105 peaking fever then his kidneys shutdown then he was near death.
Then he bounced back then asked the doctor what happened where the answer we expected you to die instead your talking then leaving.
Bennett later returned directly to Dr. Walker's officers asking for n investigation. He did know his friend was cousin to Dr. Walker was dead nor did her brother was OE that struck a fuel line in November 2004 killing five.
Worse no one said her brother was in Iraq near where Spc James Coon was killed. They both attended Los Lomas High School.
Tying events in Iraq to Contra Costa County
Names of Victims
SPC James Coon - Perished in Ballad Iraq via sniper not IED as stated on his death records
Marie Coon - Step mom to Jimmy/former tailor at Nordstroms Walnut Creek CA, attended Los Lomas High School
Stracks, Driscolls and Marshalls
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett once wore suits for his business dealings. Things changed in the early 2000s when he discovered a murder cover-up resulting in millions in losses.
General David Pretraous

Pete Bennett once wore suits for his business dealings. Things changed in the early 2000s when he discovered a murder cover-up resulting in millions in losses.
Chitquita Blvd Runway
Spc James Coon was stationed in Balad Iraq which is where the covert CIA detention centers. My friend murdered with her daughter brother was deployed to fiz the interogation problems those infamous prisons. He once worked with the forensic pathologist involved in the Scott Peterson case.